VA Minerva McGonagall
VA Minerva McGonagall (Minny) is one of our lovely CKC registered Bernese Mountain Dogs. She is the full sister to Molly and Lily just from a subsequent breeding of our Ginny and Ragnar. Minny was born in 2022 she is just the kindest dog. Like her sisters – happy, loving and likes to keep an eye on everything going on. Minny has had 2 litters of pups now with Gimli (our Sable and White Male Standard Poodle) and they were such exceptional pups. Always so rewarding to our breeding program. Her F1 Bernedoodle pups were 50% Full Tricolor and 50% Sable Full Tricolor. Minny is DNA clear and has OFA approved hips and elbows. She also has excellent conformation with no known health issues. Our next breeding will be Minny to my sister’s CKC registered BMD male “Swiss Master Bern” for a CKC registered litter of purebred Bernese Mountain Dog pups. The first 3 females from this December 2024 litter are already spoken for.
VA Lilly Potter
VA Lilly Potter is one of our smallest CKC registered Bernese Mountain Dogs. She is the full sister to Molly and Minny and is a littermate to Molly by our Ginny and Ragnar. Lily was born in 2021 and she is a feisty little thing. Although very calm, she is just “everything, everywhere all at once” making sure there is nothing out of place. She is only 60lbs so very petite. She had been the runt of the litter and almost didn’t make it. With a lot of sleepless nights bottle feeding she pulled through and became the girl we all know and love. We will be breeding Lily to Gimli in October 2024 for some beautiful F1 Bernedoodle pups born in December 2024. These pups will be 50% Full Tricolor and 50% Sable Full Tricolor. They should be stunners !!
VA Frigga
VA Frigga is a beautiful 2021 CKC registered white and yellow Parti Poodle. Although she is a Standard size, she is only 45lbs so virtually a Moyen. She is the daughter of our Saga and an outside male “Douglas”. Frigga is genetically clear, OFA Hips and Elbow Approved with her results posted below. Frigga is feisty and loves to play but she is still very calm around people and children. She is smart (too smart) and loves to be the centre of attention. She enjoys her bath and grooming time. She has excellent very correct conformation with a lovely temperament. She will be bred to my sister’s Bernese Mountain Dog “Swiss Master Bern” in October 2024 and the litter will be 100% full tricolors of a nice small size.
VA Freya
VA Freya Is a beautiful 2021 CKC registered cream and white parti Standard Poodle and the daughter of our two dogs Siggy and Floki. Freya is genetically clear and OFA Hip and Elbow approved (see below certificates). She is a lot like her mama Siggy and her half sister Saga – very calm and friendly and loves her people. Freya is weighing in at about 67bs. She loves her grooming time and is very much the princess. Freya has very good conformation and has been an awesome mama having to deal with her first litter of 12 pups in September 2022. She was a bit overwhelmed at first and then rose to motherhood with determination. Based on Freya’s coat genetics when she is bred to one of our Bernese Mountain Dog males she will have 25% Full Bernese Tricolors, 25% Sable Full Bernese Tricolors, 50% Black and White Tuxedos.
VA Molly Weasley
VA Molly Weasley is one of our stunning CKC registered Bernese Mountain Dogs. She is the lovely daughter of our Ginny and Ragnar. Born in 2021 she has just been a joy to be around. Happy, loving and kind, she is the epitome of the guardian dog she was bred to be. Molly has excellent conformation and has no known health issues.
VA Saga
Saga has been retired and is living her best life with our good friends Cheryl and Brian.
VA Saga Is a gorgeous 2019 CKC registered Sable Phantom Standard Poodle and the daughter of our two dogs Siggy and Rollo. Saga is also DNA clear like her parents. She is so much like her mama Siggy – very playful and lively weighing in at about 65lbs. She loves her grooming time and is a bit of a princess, but in a good way. Saga has excellent conformation and is very positive with her training lessons. Saga also carries the Parti gene so when she is bred to one of our Bernese Mountain Dog males she will have 25% Full Tricolors, 25% Sable Full Tricolors, 25% Phantom Tricolors and 25% Sable Phantom tricolors. She has already had 2 litters of beautiful and colorful F1 Bernedoodles.
VA Ginny Weasley
Ginny has been spayed and is happily enjoying life on the farm as an Auntie.
VA Ginny Weasley (aka Ginny) is a 2018 AKC registered female Bernese Mountain Dog imported from South Carolina. As with all Berners, she is a delight to be around. Sweet, playful and always wanting to be by your side – she is absolutely beautiful.
VA Bellatrix Lestrange
RIP our dearest and beloved Bella. You brought us so much joy that no other dog has. You were the family favorite for all of your goofiness and kindness. When you wrapped your leg around us for cuddles you also wrapped your leg around our hearts and souls. God speed and may we one day see you again in Valhalla (heaven).
VA Bellatrix Lestrage (aka Bella) was a 2018 AKC registered female Bernese Mountain Dog imported from South Carolina. In typical Berner fashion, she was happy, loving, gentle and a very big girl (quite a bit bigger than sister Ginny). She was absolutely stunning with lovely conformation and a big glowing heart. Bella’s pups have been beautiful, funny, kind and healthy with gorgeous coats. Bella was a great addition to our girls.
Princess Flurry Heart
Flurry has been retired and has joined the ranks of our other amazing retired mamas….living the dream. Flurry is a 2016 gorgeous silver and white phantom CKC and AKC Registered Standard Poodle. She is 55 lbs of love and affection. She is calm and obedient and loves to be spoiled. She has had several litters of pups for us, some purebred poodles and some Bernedoodles. She has had all her DNA work completed and is clear of all genetic disorders. She has also had her heart certified clear of any congenital or adult onset inherited heart disease and her OFA preliminary hips and elbows were excellent.
Click Here To See Flurry & Bagheera puppies
VA Lagertha
Lagertha has been spayed and will now enjoy the life of a retiree. Just living the dream.
VA Lagertha (aka Lagertha) is a 2016 CKC registered female black and white Standard Parti Poodle. Lagertha was born on our farm and is the daughter of our female mama Jord and an outcross to papa Leonard. She has the same calm and intelligent demeanor as her mother and is almost as large weighing in at 75lbs. She has excellent conformation and agility and learns her commands quickly. Lagertha has given us one litter of Bernedoodle pups so far with all eight pups being perfect black and white Tuxedos. She is a very good mom and a very good auntie to her sister’s pups too (VA Siggy). Lagertha loves to go to the groomers, get her bath and haircut and come home smelling beautiful and wearing a ribbon in her hair…….for about 5 minutes. She then wants to be outside in the yard with everybody else playing and getting all dirty again. Such is the life of a farm dog. VA Jord O’Shannon (aka Jord) is a 2013 CKC and AKC registered female black Standard Poodle of superior bloodlines. Imported from a very well known breeder in the US, Jord has excellent conformation, size and temperament. She weighs in at 85lbs and has a good deep chest, long legs and a lovely strong back. She has the sweetest, calmest disposition and nothing ever seems to phase her. When I look into her deep brown eyes I see a loving old soul looking back at me. She learned her commands faster than any dog I have ever owned. She loves nothing more than to be our guide when my girlfriends and I go out for cross-country ski on a moonlit night.
Click Here To See Lagertha & Ragnar Puppies
VA Siggy
Siggy has been spayed so her mama days are over. She looks forward to living in the lap of luxury where she can mooch cuddles and treats to her hearts content.
VA Siggy (aka Siggy) is a 2016 CKC registered female black and white Standard Parti Poodle. Siggy was born on our farm and is the daughter of our female mama Jord and an outcross to papa Leonard. She is also the full sister to VA Lagertha. She is the most playful of our three female poodles and also the smallest weighing in at 65lbs (still large for a female). She loves her grooming time and is very feminine. Siggy has excellent conformation and is very clever with her lessons. When Siggy gave birth to her first litter of Bernedoodle pups we realized that she inherited the tricolor gene from her mama. As a result, half her litter of eight were black and white Tuxedos and the other half were Tricolors. What a lovely surprise.
Click Here To View Siggy & Rollo Standard Poodle Puppies
Click Here To View Siggy & Ragnar Bernedoodle Puppies
Cobblestone Tangy
TANGY HAS BEEN RETIRED FROM HAVING PUPS AND IS LOOKING FORWARD TO LIVING THE GOOD LIFE AS A 70LB LAP DOG. Cobblestone Tangy (aka Tangy) is a 2015 AKC registered female Sable and white Standard Parti Poodle. Tangy was born in the US and imported into Canada. She is very social, obedient and loves attention. Tangy weighs in between 65 and 70lbs – so a good size girl. She loves her grooming time and to just hang out with people. She has excellent conformation and is very clever with her lessons. Tangy has had three litters of Bernedoodle pups with Bagheera and all were gorgeous Sable-Tricolors with amazing coats. She was an excellent addition to our girls.
Click Here To View Tangy – Bagheera Bernedoodle Puppies
VA Jord O’Shannon
VA Jord O’Shannon (aka Jord) has been spayed, retired and re-homed. She is living in Williams Lake with a new loving family.
Jord is a 2013 CKC and AKC registered female black Standard Poodle of superior bloodlines. Imported from a very well known breeder in the US, Jord has excellent conformation, size and temperament. She weighs in at 85lbs and has a good deep chest, long legs and a lovely strong back. She has the sweetest, calmest disposition and nothing ever seems to phase her. When I look into her deep brown eyes I see a loving old soul looking back at me. She learned her commands faster than any dog I have ever owned. She loves nothing more that to be our guide when my girlfriends and I go out for cross-country ski on a moonlit night. Jord is an excellent mother giving us nice large healthy litters ranging from 7 to 10 pups. I knew that Jord’s phenotype was black but her genotype was heterozygous for the “Parti gene” as her dam was black and her sire was a black and white Parti. In 2016 I had Jord bred to a lovely black and white Parti male named “Hayton Creeks Leonard” (aka Leonard) and we had 10 pups born. Half the litter was black and the other half was black and white Parti. I retained the 2 Parti females from the litter to keep as future breeding females as their conformation and temperament were equal to their mom’s. Hence we now also have VA Lagertha and VA Siggy. It wasn’t until Jord was bred to a Bernese Mountain Dog that I realized that she also carries the Phantom gene, the Brindle gene and the Tricolor gene. To our great surprise, in her very first Bernedoodle litter, she gave us 4 black and white Tuxedo pups, 1 Phantom Brindle pup, 1 tricolor pup and 5 solid black pups. It was like that expression “Life’s like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get”. To date Jord has given us Phantom Brindle pup in every Bernedoodle litter. Lucky us!